Visual Communication Design



of students-lecturer ratio that indicates quality, reflected through more time spent with lecturer in class for each student.


of DKV UPH alumni starts working in creative industry under one month of graduating.


and more cutting edge facilities are provided for students to use.

  • Visual Art & Design Scholar A scholar that constantly acknowledges God's sovereignty and design in every thought process, decision making, and response to the world as the cornerstone of his works.
  • Visionary Leader in Visual Art & Design field A leader that contributes to the advancement of art, design, culture, and visual communication design discipline as a whole towards harmony between humanity, the world, and God.
  • Steward A steward that uses his abilities to serve God through visual communication design forms that brings development and goodness in the society.
  • Visual Communication Practicioner A visual communicator that champions critical and conceptual design thinking and process in conveying ideas and message in the form of visual images, utilizing technologies and contextual understanding of culture, humanities and social science.

You will learn things related to visual communication design, such as:

  • Indonesian culture that is visible as the implementation of the value structure that forms it
  • Art and technique of selecting and arranging letters with the arrangement of their distribution in the available space
  • The ability to interpret the surrounding environment using visible light in the spectrum
  • Design for the environment
  • Art forms using images placed in a special order for graphic purposes or conveying information
  • Motion or rotation illustrations, combined with audio for use in multimedia projects
  • Artistic photography

*For course details, you can see on curriculum

Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Visual Communication Design graduates:

  • Advertising agency
  • Branding agency or branding Consultant
  • Graphic design agency or graphic house
  • In-house promotion design department
  • Printing & digital printing
  • Web/software development company
  • Mobile app design & development company
  • Game development company
  • Television/broadcasting
  • Publication company
  • Video production
  • Photography
  • Animation studio
  • Production house
  • Film production
  • Bagi saya kepuasan dalam karir tidak melulu menganai materi, tetapi ketika hobi dapat menjadi pekerjaan sekaligus dapat membantu banyak orang.

    Visual Communication Design 2011 - Owner Online Cakery Shop Mamelaide

  • Dalam dunia desain, kita perlu mendengarkan customer. Sama halnya dengan berbisnis, membangun networking yang baik adalah hal yang penting.

    Willy Kartawidjaja

    Visual Communication Design - Director of PT Pracom Mitrajaya

  • Saya bersyukur sekali bahwa dosen-dosen, teman-teman UPH mau memahami dan membantu saya. Saya tidak lagi takut dengan keterbatasan pendengaran saya.

    Nathania Tifara

    Visual Communication Design 2011 - Co-Founder of "Guru Bumi"

  • DKV UPH telah memberikan pondasi yang cukup kuat untuk dituangkan dan dikembangkan dalam praktik di industri desain.

    Evan Wijaya

    Visual Communication Design 2017 - Graphic Designer at Thinking Room


1st Semester
Courses Credits
Studio Dasar 1 4
Gambar 1 4
Desain & Warna 2
Fotografi 1 2
Komputer Grafis 1 2
Sejarah Seni Rupa & Peradaban 1 2
Budaya Visual Indonesia 2
Bahasa Indonesia 2
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
Studio Dasar 2 4
Gambar 2 4
Waktu & Gerak 2
Fotografi 2 2
Komputer Grafis 2 2
Sejarah Seni Rupa dan Peradaban 2 2
Pendidikan Agama Kristen/Pendidikan Agama-Agama Dunia 4
Acceleration Semester
Courses Credits
Gambar 3 4
Pengenalan Tipografi 2
Sejarah Seni Rupa & Peradaban 3 2
3th Semester
Courses Credits
Studio DKV 1: Struktur Visual 4
Studio Konsentrasi 1 4
Sejarah Desain / Film 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1/ Sejarah Pemikiran 4
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Studio DKV 2: Komunikasi Visual untuk Massa 4
Studio Konsentrasi 2 4
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2/ Filsafat Ilmu 4
Acceleration Semester
Courses Credits
Soft Skills 2
Pancasila 2 2
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Etika 4
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Studio DKV 3: Desain untuk Publik 4
Studio Konsentrasi 3 4
Pengenalan Estetika Visual 2
Pengenalan Riset dalam Desain 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
Mata Kuliah Elektif 2
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Studio DKV 4: Desain, Masyarakat, dan Lingkungan 4
Studio Konsentrasi 4 4
Desain, Media & Budaya 2
Metodologi Desain 2
Manajemen Desain 2
Pengenalan Industri Kreatif 2
Acceleration Semester
Courses Credits
Kerja Praktek 4
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Pra-Proyek Akhir 4
Tech Skills 2
Pancasila 2
Leadership & Entrepreneurship 2
8th Semester
Courses Credits
Proyek Akhir/Magang 4
Elective Courses
Courses Credits
Penyuntingan Video 2
Ilustrasi Digital 2
Ilustrasi Tradisional 2
Produksi Cetak 2
Desain Suara 2
Animasi Pasca Produksi 2
Ilustrasi Tiga Dimensi 2
Desain UX 2
Elective Courses
Courses Credits
Tata Artistik 2
Desain Karakter dan Latar 2
Fotografi Artistik 2
Tipografi 2
Audio Visual 2
Pemodelan Tiga Dimensi 2
Proyek Seni Rupa 2
Strategi Komunikasi dalam Desain 2
Elective Courses
Courses Credits
Efek Visual 2
Storyboard & Animatic 2
Seni Cetak Grafis 2
Desain Website 2
Penulisan Naskah 2
Grafis Bergerak 2
Seni Sekuensial 2
Desain UI 2
Study Fee
Total Study Fee Rp240.840.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum



Alfiansyah Zulkarnain,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of the Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Graphic Design Studio (Main Studio, Supporting Studio, Production Studio); Typography; Design Methodology (Graphic Design, Animation Design, Cinematography); History of Art & Civilization; History of Graphic Design; Aesthetics (Graphic Design, Animation Design, Cinematography); Design for Environment; Design for Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. His research interests include graphic design, sequential art, narrative art & design, typography, brand identity, design methodology. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. He also studied graphic design abroad at Ouachita Baptist University at Arkansas, USA. Besides teaching, he also works as a graphic designer.


  • Selected Works "Li Paper" Paper Beauties Orient 2020 Special Exhibition
  • Selected Works TYPE UNITE 2019 International Poster Exhibition

Journal Publications:

  • Preserving village culture, identity, and sense of belonging through visual identity design for public children playground (case study: Mekar Bakti village, Panongan regency, Tangerang)

see other publications here (click here)

Brian Alvin Hananto,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Main Studio 3 Graphic Design; Typography; Design Methodology; Pre-Final Project; Studio Management; Practical Work courses. His research interests include typography, design methodology, editorial, and design education. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and a Master of Design in Product Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as a graphic designer.


  • Best Paper Awards in The 4th Art, Craft and Design in Southeast Asia International Symposium (ARCADESA) 2020
  • Winning Entry in Typoday 2020, Amman, Jordan

Journal Publications:

  • Tinjauan Karya Desain Poster Quotes dalam Mata Kuliah Tipografi Dasar
    Jurnal Desain 6 (03), 195-206
  • Pengembangan Motif Batik Semarangan Menggunakan Tipografi Sebagai Gagasan Visual
    Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang; Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain 1 (1), 1-18
  • Analisa Visual dari Elemen Permainan Kartu 'The Art of Batik'
    Jurnal Bahasa Rupa 2 (2), 136-145

see other publications here (click here)

Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri,
S.Sn., M.Si.

Head of Visual Communication Design

Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. is the Head of the Visual Communication Design Study Program. She teaches Supporting Studio 2; Design Methodology; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. Her research interests include film studies, gender studies, art history, and Indonesian film history. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Trisakti, a Master of Science in Communication from Universitas Indonesia, and a Doctorate in Art and Design from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications:

  • Multiplikasi sebagai Strategi Narasi Film
    SENADA (Seminar Nasional Desain Dan Arsitektur) 2, 91-97
  • Preserving local wisdom on water conservation through video documentary (case studies: Mekar Bakti Village, Panongan Regency, Tangerang)
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 452 (1)
  • Eksplorasi Visual Naratif Indonesia-Tionghoa dalam Film Karya Mahasiswa
    DESKOMVIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Komunikasi Visual, Seni Rupa Dan Media 1 (1)

see other publications here (click here)

Eston K. Mauleti,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Basic Studio 1 & 2; Pictures 1, 2 and 3; Sequential Arts; Design and Color; Design for Environment courses. His research interests include images, illustrations, graphic design, and poster design. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Arts from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as a poster designer.


  • 10 Best Artworks of Don Quijote Poster Competition 2005 organized by Instituto Cervantes Aula Cervantes – Yakarta and Embassy of Spain, Jakarta
  • 1st Place Graphic Information Category in Indonesian Graphic Design Award 2 (IGDA 2), 2017 organized by DGI, Be Kraf, AGDI, ASPRODI, AIDIA, IKJ, 2017
  • 21st Professional Category in International Reggae Poster Contest 2018, Jamaica, organized by IRPC
  • 11st Professional Category in International Reggae Poster Contest 2020, Jamaica, organized by IRPC
  • Excellent Award Beijing International Design Week 2020 - The 3rd Exhibition of Contemporary International Ink Design, China, organized by The Organizing Committee of The 3rd Contemporary International Ink Design Biennale

Dra. Roostantinah,

Donny Ibrahim,
S.Sn., M.Ikom.


Donny Ibrahim, S.Sn., M.Ikom. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Picture 1; Picture 2; Picture 3; Design and Color; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. His research interests include art and desain. He earned Bachelor of Arts from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Communication Sciences from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as visual merchandiser; illustrator; Mural artist; graphic designer, and youtuber (educational content).

Chandra Djoko,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Chandra Djoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Photography 1; Photography 2; Computer Graphics 1; Computer Graphics 2; Pre-Final Project; Final Project; Design Methodology courses. His research interests include photography, graphic design, brand identity, printing, typography. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as graphic designer and photographer.

Journal Publications:

  • Kajian Pra-Ikonografi Fotografi Levitasi
    Jurnal Da Moda Vol. 1 No. 2, LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Desain Bali (2020)

Ellis Melini,
S.Sn., MT.


Ellis Melini, S.Sn., MT. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. She teaches Basic Studio; Typography; Studios for Graphic Design major (Main Studio, Supporting Studio, Production Studio); Design Methodology; Final Project courses. Her research interests include brand identity and typography. She earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Industrial Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Baptista Anton,
S.Sn., M.Ikom.


Baptista Anton, S.Sn., M.Ikom. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Main Studio 1 Cinematography; Main Studio 2 Cinematography; Main Studio 3 Cinematography; Design Videos; Acting and Directing; Design For Environment; Design For Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. His research interests include visual Communication and film. He earned Bachelor of Arts from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Communication Sciences from Universitas Pelita Harapan. Besides teaching, he also works as filmmaker and videographer.

Ernest Irwandi,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Ernest Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches History of Art and Civilization 1; History Art and Civilization 2; History of Art and Civilization 3; Design History (Cinematography); Aesthetics; Design, Media and Culture; Design for the Environment; Design for Society courses. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti.

Journal Publications:

    Jurnal Andharupa Vol 6, No 02 (2020)
  • Seeing Local Wisdom as Form of Visual Art for Creating Place Identity in Kampung Pelangi, Semarang
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2019) Atlantis Press
  • Shaping Place Identity in Urban Villages with Community Mural
    Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Visual Art, Design, and Social Humanities by Faculty of Art and Design, CONVASH 2019, 2 November 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. European Union Digital Library

see other publications here (click here)

Nita Virena Nathania,
S.Sn., MBA

Hady Soenarjo,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Hady Soenarjo, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Picture 1; Picture 2; Picture 3; Design and Color; Environmental Design; Design For Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. His research interests include illustration, printmaking, and social design. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Design in Product from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as illustrator, poster artist, social designer.


  • 3rd Winner (Professional) International Mask Design Contest 2020 "Let Them Become Fashion"

Journal Publications:

  • Preserving village culture, identity, and sense of belonging through visual identity design for public children playground (case study: Mekar Bakti village, Panongan regency, Tangerang)

Ferdinand Indrajaya,
S.Sn., M.Hum.


Ferdinand Indrajaya, S.Sn., M.Hum. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Basic Studio 1-2; Design & Color; History of Art and Civilization 1-3; Basic Typography; Experimental Typography; Visual Perception; Aesthetics; Design Methodology courses. His research interests include art philosophy. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Arts in Humanities from Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara.

Journal Publications:

  • Art as the Manifestation of Embodiment in the Age of Modern Technology
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2018). International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 5 (1), 1-12.
  • Homo Sacer sebagai Figur Politis dan Kaitannya dengan Dunia Pendidikan Tinggi
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2011). Humaniora, 2 (1), 335-341.
  • Apropriasi dan Rekontekstualisasi Historis Studi Dasar Rupa Sebagai Bagian dari Pendidikan Dasar Desain
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2017). Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain, 14 (1), 65-82.

see other publications here (click here)

Jessica Laurencia,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. is Deputy Department of Visual Communication Design. She teaches Image 1; Image 2; Image 3; Design and Color; Digital Illustration; Graphic Motion; Final Project courses. Her research interests include digital images and illustration. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and a Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, she also works as an illustrator and graphic designer.

Naldo Yanuar,
S.Sn., MT.


Naldo Yanuar, S.Sn., MT. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Animation Supporting Studio; Animation Main Studio; Experimental Animation; Animation Production; History of Animation; Typography; Drawing 3; Pre & Final Project; Design Methodology; Digital Imaging; Visual Perception; Time & Movement; Sequential Art; Interactive Media Design; Multimedia; Desktop Publishing courses. His research interests include character design & storytelling, 2D animation, sequential & editing, illustration & digital imaging. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Industrial Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.


  • CHIP Magz 2011 Best Flash Website (1st place)


Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri,
S.Sn., M.Si.

Department Chair of Visual Communication Design

Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. is the Department Chair of the Visual Communication Design. She teaches Supporting Studio 2; Design Methodology; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. Her research interests include film studies, gender studies, art history, and Indonesian film history. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Trisakti, a Master of Science in Communication from Universitas Indonesia, and a Doctorate in Art and Design from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications:

  • Multiplikasi sebagai Strategi Narasi Film
    SENADA (Seminar Nasional Desain Dan Arsitektur) 2, 91-97
  • Preserving local wisdom on water conservation through video documentary (case studies: Mekar Bakti Village, Panongan Regency, Tangerang)
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 452 (1)
  • Eksplorasi Visual Naratif Indonesia-Tionghoa dalam Film Karya Mahasiswa
    DESKOMVIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Komunikasi Visual, Seni Rupa Dan Media 1 (1)

see other publications here (click here)

Jessica Laurencia,
S.Sn., M.Ds.

Acting Deputy Department Chair of Visual Communication Design

Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. is Deputy Department of Visual Communication Design. She teachesImage 1; Image 2; Image 3; Design and Color; Digital Illustration; Graphic Motion; Final Project courses. Her research interests include digital images and illustration. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and a Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, she also works as an illustrator and graphic designer.

Alfiansyah Zulkarnain,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of the Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Graphic Design Studio (Main Studio, Supporting Studio, Production Studio); Typography; Design Methodology (Graphic Design, Animation Design, Cinematography); History of Art & Civilization; History of Graphic Design; Aesthetics (Graphic Design, Animation Design, Cinematography); Design for Environment; Design for Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Projectcourses. His research interests include graphic design, sequential art, narrative art & design, typography, brand identity, design methodology. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. He also studied graphic design abroad at Ouachita Baptist University at Arkansas, USA. Besides teaching, he also works as a graphic designer.


  • Selected Works "Li Paper" Paper Beauties Orient 2020 Special Exhibition
  • Selected Works TYPE UNITE 2019 International Poster Exhibition

Journal Publications:

  • Preserving village culture, identity, and sense of belonging through visual identity design for public children playground (case study: Mekar Bakti village, Panongan regency, Tangerang)

see other publications here (click here)

Baptista Anton,
S.Sn., M.Ikom.


Baptista Anton, S.Sn., M.Ikom. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Main Studio 1 Cinematography; Main Studio 2 Cinematography; Main Studio 3 Cinematography; Design Videos; Acting and Directing; Design For Environment; Design For Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Projectcourses. His research interests include visual Communication and film. He earned Bachelor of Arts from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Communication Sciences from Universitas Pelita Harapan. Besides teaching, he also works as filmmaker and videographer.

Brian Alvin Hananto,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Main Studio 3 Graphic Design; Typography; Design Methodology; Pre-Final Project; Studio Management; Practical Work courses. His research interests include typography, design methodology, editorial, and design education. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and a Master of Design in Product Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as a graphic designer.


  • Best Paper Awards in The 4th Art, Craft and Design in Southeast Asia International Symposium (ARCADESA) 2020
  • Winning Entry in Typoday 2020, Amman, Jordan

Journal Publications:

  • Tinjauan Karya Desain Poster Quotes dalam Mata Kuliah Tipografi Dasar
    Jurnal Desain 6 (03), 195-206
  • Pengembangan Motif Batik Semarangan Menggunakan Tipografi Sebagai Gagasan Visual
    Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang; Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain 1 (1), 1-18
  • Analisa Visual dari Elemen Permainan Kartu 'The Art of Batik'
    Jurnal Bahasa Rupa 2 (2), 136-145

see other publications here (click here)

Chandra Djoko,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Chandra Djoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Photography 1; Photography 2; Computer Graphics 1; Computer Graphics 2; Pre-Final Project; Final Project; Design Methodologycourses. His research interests include photography, graphic design, brand identity, printing, typography. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as graphic designer and photographer.

Journal Publications:

  • Kajian Pra-Ikonografi Fotografi Levitasi
    Jurnal Da Moda Vol. 1 No. 2, LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Desain Bali (2020)

Donny Ibrahim,
S.Sn., M.Ikom.


Donny Ibrahim, S.Sn., M.Ikom. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Picture 1; Picture 2; Picture 3; Design and Color; Pre-Final Project; Final Project courses. His research interests include art and desain. He earned Bachelor of Arts from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Communication Sciences from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as visual merchandiser; illustrator; Mural artist; graphic designer, and youtuber (educational content).

Ellis Melini,
S.Sn., MT.


Ellis Melini, S.Sn., MT. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. She teaches Basic Studio; Typography; Studios for Graphic Design major (Main Studio, Supporting Studio, Production Studio); Design Methodology; Final Project courses. Her research interests include brand identity and typography. She earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Industrial Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ernest Irwandi,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Ernest Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches History of Art and Civilization 1; History Art and Civilization 2; History of Art and Civilization 3; Design History (Cinematography); Aesthetics; Design, Media and Culture; Design for the Environment; Design for Societycourses. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Design from Universitas Trisakti.

Journal Publications:

    Jurnal Andharupa Vol 6, No 02 (2020)
  • Seeing Local Wisdom as Form of Visual Art for Creating Place Identity in Kampung Pelangi, Semarang
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2019) Atlantis Press
  • Shaping Place Identity in Urban Villages with Community Mural
    Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Visual Art, Design, and Social Humanities by Faculty of Art and Design, CONVASH 2019, 2 November 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. European Union Digital Library

see other publications here (click here)

Eston K. Mauleti,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Basic Studio 1 & 2; Pictures 1, 2 and 3; Sequential Arts; Design and Color; Design for Environment courses. His research interests include images, illustrations, graphic design, and poster design. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Arts from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as a poster designer.


  • 10 Best Artworks of Don Quijote Poster Competition 2005 organized by Instituto Cervantes Aula Cervantes – Yakarta and Embassy of Spain, Jakarta
  • 1st Place Graphic Information Category in Indonesian Graphic Design Award 2 (IGDA 2), 2017 organized by DGI, Be Kraf, AGDI, ASPRODI, AIDIA, IKJ, 2017
  • 21st Professional Category in International Reggae Poster Contest 2018, Jamaica, organized by IRPC
  • 11st Professional Category in International Reggae Poster Contest 2020, Jamaica, organized by IRPC
  • Excellent Award Beijing International Design Week 2020 - The 3rd Exhibition of Contemporary International Ink Design, China, organized by The Organizing Committee of The 3rd Contemporary International Ink Design Biennale

Ferdinand Indrajaya,
S.Sn., M.Hum.


Ferdinand Indrajaya, S.Sn., M.Hum. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Basic Studio 1-2; Design & Color; History of Art and Civilization 1-3; Basic Typography; Experimental Typography; Visual Perception; Aesthetics; Design Methodologycourses. His research interests include art philosophy. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Arts in Humanities from Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara.

Journal Publications:

  • Art as the Manifestation of Embodiment in the Age of Modern Technology
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2018). International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 5 (1), 1-12.
  • Homo Sacer sebagai Figur Politis dan Kaitannya dengan Dunia Pendidikan Tinggi
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2011). Humaniora, 2 (1), 335-341.
  • Apropriasi dan Rekontekstualisasi Historis Studi Dasar Rupa Sebagai Bagian dari Pendidikan Dasar Desain
    Indrajaya, Ferdinand. (2017). Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain, 14 (1), 65-82.

see other publications here (click here)

Hady Soenarjo,
S.Sn., M.Ds.


Hady Soenarjo, S.Sn., M.Ds. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Picture 1; Picture 2; Picture 3; Design and Color; Environmental Design; Design For Society; Pre-Final Project; Final Projectcourses. His research interests include illustration, printmaking, and social design. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Universitas Trisakti and Master of Design in Product from Universitas Trisakti. Besides teaching, he also works as illustrator, poster artist, social designer.


  • 3rd Winner (Professional) International Mask Design Contest 2020 "Let Them Become Fashion"

Journal Publications:

  • Preserving village culture, identity, and sense of belonging through visual identity design for public children playground (case study: Mekar Bakti village, Panongan regency, Tangerang)

Juliana Suhindro Putra,
S.Sn., M.Ed.


Juliana Suhindro Putra, S.Sn., M.Ed. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design. She teaches Indonesian Visual Culture; Basic Studio; Design History; Design Methodology; Design for the Environment; Design for Society courses. Her research interests include social design, illustration, and art education. She earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Southwestern College, Kansas.

Naldo Yanuar,
S.Sn., MT.


Naldo Yanuar, S.Sn., MT. is a lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program. He teaches Animation Supporting Studio; Animation Main Studio; Experimental Animation; Animation Production; History of Animation; Typography; Drawing 3; Pre & Final Project; Design Methodology; Digital Imaging; Visual Perception; Time & Movement; Sequential Art; Interactive Media Design; Multimedia; Desktop Publishing courses. His research interests include character design & storytelling, 2D animation, sequential & editing, illustration & digital imaging. He earned Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Industrial Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.


  • CHIP Magz 2011 Best Flash Website (1st place)


Winner of "FLY YOUR DESIGN THROUGH THE SKY" Competition.

Helena Calista, UPH DKV student batch 2019, became the winner in "Fly Your Design Through The Sky" Competition held by Garuda Indonesia.

Winner in "Fly Your Design Through The Sky" Competition

Helena Calista, UPH DKV student batch 2019, became the winner in the "Fly Your Design Through The Sky" Competition held by Garuda Indonesia. Her work, which is a mask design with a machete batik pattern, now adorns the livery of Garuda Airlines Boeing 737-800NG.

3rd Winner in V Pangram 2021 International Student Competition On Font And Calligraphy

Jeff Daniel Riyanto, Gwyneth Vannia, Stephanie Nathania, and Nadya Tritami Tonata won third place in the Student category at the V Pangram 2021 International Student Competition on Font and Calligraphy.

3rd Winner in V Pangram 2021 International Student Competition On Font And Calligraphy

Evelyn, Tifani Nathania Sutanto, Kezia Stacey, Sabrina Brigitta S. Kaunang won third place in the Student category at V Pangram 2021 International Student Competition on Font and Calligraphy

Cinematography Concentration Student Short Films

Agnes Hernadi and Kevin Rahardjo

The short film work of the Cinematography concentration student(2017), Agnes Hernadi and Kevin Rahardjo, entitled "Unreality", managed to reach the following stages:

  • Finalist at HelloFest 14
  • Finalist at the 2020 Film Festival Short Semester Event
  • Screening at Zeitimups Short Film Festival 2020 (Vienna, Austria)
  • Screening at Bristol Science Film Festival 2020
  • Screening at Encounter Film Festival 2020

Cinematography Concentration Student Short Films

Kevin Rahardjo and Joshua Abraham

The short film work of the Cinematography concentration student (2017), Kevin Rahardjo and Joshua Abraham, entitled "The Mother's Land", managed to reach the following stages:

  • Screening at 7th Star Film Festival (Sisak, Croatia)
  • Screening di ReelOzInd! Australia-Indonesia Film Festival 2020
  • Screening at 7th International Video Dance and Video Meeting (Valencia, Spain)
  • Screening at 47th Concordia Film Festival (Montreal, Canada)
  • Screening at Choreoscope International Dance Film Festival (Barcelona, Spain)

Best Presenter at the Visual Communication Design Student Conference (KOMA DKV) 2020

Ezekiel Penalosa managed to become the Best Presenter at the Visual Communication Design Student Conference (KOMA DKV) 2020

Best Paper at International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) 2021

Kezia Pangaribuan won the Best Paper category at the International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) 2021

Best Presenter at International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) 2021

Yuventia Kalonica won Best Presenter at the International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) 2021

Short Animated Film Entitled "Le Trafic"

Short Animated Film from UPH DKV Animation student batch 2017, Ronaldo Kilimandu Dingumah, Valdy Yonatan, and Albert Lorents entitled "Le Trafic", successfully managed as a finalist at the HelloFest 14 event, which is the largest visual creative competition in the field of animation and short film in Indonesia.


Visual Communication Design Student Council is an organization from and specifically intended to serve our students in which students can improve in academic and non-academic skills.

  • Servant Leader
  • To ripen every student's characters and develop them from the leadership point of view and professional point of view.
  • Building trust throughout the entire Visual Communication Design students, the whole student council and to each other.
  • To build a sense of belonging for every Visual Communication students to ensure the good relationship between generations.
  • Artbound
  • Leading Through Art/ LiGHT (Leadership Training)
  • Final Project Exhibiton (SADAJIWA)
  • Re-arranging the structure of organization